This is our sign to shake things up
May 08, 2024
This is our sign to shake things up
Is the wind blowing to tell us something? On days like this it is frustrating. I wonder if I’ll have to chase my lawn furniture across the backyard. Will the house lift up like in the Wizard of Oz? Walking outside my hair did swirls landing in my face so it was hard to see. So much for a good hair day! I am grateful that it is not garbage or recycling pick up day. If it were, I'd be chasing my garbage and recycling around my yard and neighborhood.
As I pause, I wonder if this wind reminds us that we need a little shake up from time to time. Nature teaches us all the time if we listen.
I appreciate the wind in the Fall when I have too many leaves to pick up. I don’t mind the wind shuffling the leaves around to provide mulch in my flower beds. If it sends them to the open space, even better! Or, if I get the gift of my neighbors leaves in my yard, I get to deal with them!
The wind also moves seeds to new locations. I don't appreciate having my neighbors dandelions seeds landing in my yard. Yet, we benefit from experiencing beautiful wild flowers on a mountainside. The wind did that! When things are shaken up or blown about it can be good or frustrating depending on how you look at it.
Maybe we don’t need to be thinking about our hair or picking up lawn furniture.
Maybe it’s time to reflect a bit about what we could shake up or change. Maybe we need to look at what seeds we need to plant in our lives.
Is anything in disarray in your life or are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you feel like you just went through a wind tunnel? Life does that sometimes. When things feel all mixed up, it may be time to embrace the shake up as a good thing.
What would be the most important things to put back into place? Is there anything you just need to pitch? Are you feeling overwhelmed and stuck and don’t know what to do?
Are you open to a conversation about what may or may not be working for you? I’m offering a couple strategy calls with me as a gift to those in my community.. To get in the drawing send me an email at [email protected] or click the button.
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