It’s a superpower. Who encourages you to shine?
Apr 26, 2024
It’s a superpower
In honor of my friend and mentor for nearly 20 years, I’m celebrating her life – gone way too soon. I’m reflecting on one of her superpowers. We all have superpowers. Do you know yours?
She had a keen ability to paint a vision. She believed in me when I couldn’t. When I questioned my ability she helped me to see that I could and I was often already doing it. She called me Doris Day. When she first said that, I thought who is Doris Day? An esteemed actress who captured the hearts of her audience as a friend to everyone. I took it as a compliment. Lynne saw me in a positive light and helped me find my strength. She modeled how to lift others and pour belief into them. I’m grateful for the lessons.
Even though she made me feel special I know she was supporting others in her unique way too. It didn’t diminish her words, instead helped me to see how I could support others to see their own value.
I wonder if you have or had someone in your life that lifts you. Someone who sees who you are and loves you. Encourages you and inspires you to shine.
In honor of my friend, I wonder who could you inspire and lift up today? Think of one thing he or she does well and tell them. I bet you will feel good when you share this. We often get what we give.
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